More Meaning of Life
I once said that it was without point to find a meaning to life, or, at least, impossible (post)
I now want to expand on that, and alter it somewhat.
If, for somereason, in wanderings of thought, a person were to stumble upon the meaning of life, how would it affect them? First, how would they know, more than if they were mistaken, that they had truly found the meaning of life? It would be, like any other thought, subject to the weakness of the mind. In this way it would be no more compelling than if it were another delusion.
But this might provide a greater path to enlightenment than the one lost. If the meaning of life itelf is not specifically important, then it is possible to decide, with sufficient confidence, that one has reached an understanding no greater than a creation of the mind. This could be used for better purposes: the virtues of this conjuration might bo crafted to exceed the truth. This is both a greater enlightenment and a greater freedom.
Here's how I look at it, and I think you may be surprised how logical it is, simple it is, and why Christians believe and say "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom"
Who defines the purpose of something he created - who defines it's purpose? The Creator or the thing created? Let’s say I invite you to my house and serve you the best homemade omelette on God's earth, and I put it in front of you. “What’s that for?” you ask. I say, “It’s an omelette silly! You’re supposed to eat it! That’s why I made it.” In order for that omelette to have any meaning of existence whatsoever, it has to be used for the purpose for which it was designed. The same is true for anything designed by anyone who designs it, and is true with regard to humanity.
How do we find our purpose and meaning? The Designer has revealed it already, we can ignore it, or find it. In what He has revealed in Hi Word, Solomon in his Ecclesiastes wrote at great length regarding the purpose and meaning of life, and concluded with this statement: “ The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
There’s your answer, friend. I haven’t heard from you in a while. Everything Ok?
That's an idea I hadn't considered. In this case, it actually seems to fit in:
"We cannot prove from within our meaning" ==> "Our meaning comes from the creator"
Things are going ok, thanks for asking. I just find it difficult to draw myself from the bowells of the Linux operating system. Oh well.
I must try to focus my mind on something philosophical...
My recomendation, "the Dialogues of Plato". Just finished it - lots of things to consider on that.
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