Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Doubt and Answers

The Human sat quietly and thought. For a long time, they had never seen an answer to God's existence. Questions, with no answers, doubt, unfulfilled, permeated their mind.

It was not a pleasant condition, and the Human wanted an answer. They decided that if they could not find one, they would produce one. It would be like this:

Doubt was a very unpleasant condition. Through kindness or mercy, a God as the Human wanted one would not allow, a person to hold doubt when there could be an answer. Therefor, if the Human were to seek an answer, one would be found, or the very lack of an answer a confirmed negative.

Satisfied by this, the Human proceeded. They obtained five dice, and told the potential God what they were about to do, "If you exist, and will do what you may ought, you would answer my question with these dice. I will throw them: if them all land six, I will know you exist - it would end my painful doubt."

The Human threw the dice; they landed randomly. Dissapointed, but content with the answer, the human resumed thinking, now with the question resolved.

Resolved - no more doubt.

So, had God answered the Human in this way, that doubt could be relieved by a confident disbelief, the wish had been answered!
Sunk back in doubt, the Human resumed thinking.


Blogger KMFE said...

The grammar in this is less than perfect...

2:50 PM  
Blogger Owen said...

That was more or less intentional. I didn't think anyone would mind.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Michael Gallaugher said...

A man sat in a parking lot, and looked around seeing parked cars. He wondered to himself, how did these cars get here? So he created a theory that there were car manufacturers producing cars. But having never seen a car produced himself, he didn't bother throwing dice because it appeared more likely that they must have fallen from the sky.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to mike.... it seems reasonable, but are you saying that the first human arrived in the exact same way as the last?

6:24 PM  

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