Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Power to Decide

The bold text of the form was something similar to,

'I understand that I am giving up substantial rights'

This opens very obvious question: at what point can a person know that they understand? In this case I need merely sign the form, carrying the assumption that the signiture was proof enough of my comprehension.
But surely their must be times when something other than a person's clear thought can guide their hand. There are desperate people in desperate situations, and it becomes a difficult task to determine when desperation is ruling them.

There exists an idea, found in some political, social, or economic debate, of a pure contract. Although a highly intuitive idea: that a person may make a promise of a certain sanctity that may be used as a judge of them in the future. This begins to break down, however, when other forces are added. There will be a point at which the pure contract dissolves into nothing.
Thus the use of the pure contract is dangerous in forming any universal ideology. It will at some point cause the simplicity of the system to skip neatly over some chasm of the world.

Friday, November 05, 2004


... slept a dog was sleeping

This phrase, unnoticed, I did not notice, and became apparent on the blog where it was clearly seen. The unusual language of it is quite unusual, and wondering I wondered what compulsion would compell me to its writing written as it is.

As only an amusement it but amuses me, a redundency, it repeats redundantly the word repeated. Confusing language could confuse and so amuse.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day

This is not a political blog, and will not become one.
But this is, in my opinion, important enough to warrant a post regarding it.

Today, November 2, is Election Day in the US.
There is only one thing I have to say,